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Elders Rhoda Allen, Ida Aleekuk, and Rebecca Chicksi, send greetings and speak to family and friends in Alaska and Canada.
Host Bob Sharpel interviews Inuvik biologist Lorraine Alison regarding concerns about the Government sponsored oil spill experiment .
Cathy Cockney is interviewing Barbara Allen in English about her family genealogy.
A Native Voice host Victor Allen is speaking to and encouraging the listeners in the community and region about becoming involved in leadership and voting at all levels of government including the upcoming Federal Member of Parliment election. He…
Host of A Native Voice Victor Allen is speaking to and encouraging the people about the importance of meeting attendance, becoming informed, and expressing concerns in matters concerning Inuvialuit and Gwich'in livelihood, in light of oil and gas…
A Native Voice host Victor Allen is speaking about the new CBC radio program called A Native Voice as well as speaking about current affairs and the news in Inuvialuktun.
Inuit Nipait host Victor Allen is providing territorial elections voting results and passes on a message to the people from the newly elected leader Tom Butters. He then speaks to the elected leaders and sends greetings to family and friends in the…
Saturday Eskimo Request Show host Victor Allen airs Donald Kaglik singing a song about the Mad Trapper followed by Betty Cockney sending greetings. Felix Nuyaviaq is describing his trip to Anchorage, Alaska, and Donald Kaglik is speaking about how…
Saturday Eskimo Request Show host Victor Allen explains "The Law" to the listeners then airs Kenneth Peeloolook speaking about his concerns as a senior of the new way of life with money or lack there of causing food and other shortages. Victor…
Saturday Afternoon Inuit Show host Victor Allen airs Sam Raddi gving a COPE meeting update then Alice Thrasher speaks to family and friends and sends greetings. Victor provides regional news. Kane Tologanak speaks about community activities. …
Inuit Nipait host Victor Allen is provding local and regional news and encourges Inuvialuit to speak up and make their voices heard at meetings and to attend meetings that pertain to them. He also encourages Inuvialuit to create and translate songs…
Host Victor Allen and Sam Raddi are talking about the proposed CBC Radio Licence and the Oil Company Panarctic Community Consultations. Kitty Kuutuuk Rolland speaks to her younger brother Ir̂igaaqtuaq Old Archie then sings a First Nation Song. …
Inserts from Indigenous language programs: speakers include Kenneth Peeloolook?, Edward Lennie, Neil Collin, Roddy Peters with Inuvialuktun show Host Victor Allen who is also providing news and messages and announcements in Inuvialuktun. Radio…
Radio host Victor Allen is hosting the The People Speak Inuit Program that includes guest speakers Roy Goose, Donald Kaglik, and Alice Thrasher.
Alaskan Elder, Richard Tukli, shares a Bible story about Jesus followed by Alaskan Elders, Suzie Kasaak, Lucy Ahvuakana, Sarah Kunangnan, David Otoana, Samuel Kunangna, and Bessie Eriklok who speak to and send greetings to family and friends in…
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik is storytelling of when he was young and of the vast amount of traditional knowledge taught to him by his parents and grandparents.
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik is telling a story of being born and raised in the Yukon near the Alaskan border before moving to the Mackenzie Delta.
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik is telling stories of when he went to the Anglican residential school.
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik is telling stories of his family’s traditional knowledge teachings after residential school living, of his travels, and more personal stories.
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik is storytelling about his younger days of he and other’s hunting, fishing, and trapping lifestyles, of the government registering trapping areas, of families moving back to Alaska, to the Mackenzie Delta, to…
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik continues his stories of he and others move to Inuvik, N.T. formally called East Three, where people were trained and employed when they were building the new town of Inuvik. Stories include when they were building…
Long Time Ago host Ishmael Alunik continues his stories of when Inuvik was first being built with rapid lifestyle changes affecting everyone. Jessie Amos is interviewed in English about the bannock and tea boiling contest, followed by Ishmael…
Long Time Ago host,Ishmael Alunik is telling stories about the numerous Inupiat and the Inuvialuit cultural and traditional knowledge teachings passed on generationally to the young.
Long Time Ago host, Ishmael Alunik is telling historical stories of the Inupiat and the Inuvialuit who lived and traveled along the Yukon North Slope prior to European contact and after contact and prior to written maps and modern borders of today.
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